Monday, April 2, 2012


Fifteen samples of Pattern and Texture, and a Gray Scale

Collecting and doing grayscale scans of various textures was quite a challenge, but fun.

Here are the samples:
paper wasp nest, rug gripper, a chair cushion, batik fabric, black plastic floor underlay
    wicker basket, corduroy, bubble wrap, outside of tree bark, fabric
        pale towel, inside of tree bark, paper shreds, plaid dish towel, and garter stitch knitting

The gray scale I redid after working with several of the textures in the self portrait for the Value assignment.  The batik fabric continues to present a challenge.  How much white in a pattern overrides the darkness of the background?  The final arrangement also passed what I call the 8 foot test.  How did the grays look from 8 feet away?

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